
Proper childcare requiers that children are constantly having fun, and that’s why Palace Kids is your best choice. When Mom and Dad are not there, the animators keep an eye on the children at all times, and if necessary, they also assist with meals and other activities. The play area has a safe and secure environment, and children are always in the hands of professionals. Children can also bring their favorite toys, with which we will all have fun together.

The parkign space of the Palace Kids playgound are a particularly useful option for parents who have to bring a child at short notice, and it allows all parents to complete all their duties while the children are with us. We carefully monitor the signs of colds in the children we care for, so that the children are safe from viruses, with the rooms being sterilized at the end of each day.

Babysitting can be announced a day in advance, but you can also just show up an hour in advance.

Aesthetics. Comfort. Fun.